  1. An unskilled player, often one who plays extremely loosely, yet passively.
  2. Donkey; fish.
  3. To call a raise and then lead out with a bet on the following street. (verb)

The poker term 'donk bet' was actually coined relatively recently, only coming into prominence over the last decade or so. It started out as a somewhat derogatory way of describing a bad play. Donk betting has become a legitimate part of poker strategy Donk bet when you have a clear range advantage on the flop You can donk bet to protect your hand I multiway pots At the same time, do not donk bet too often in multiway pots.

Popular Uses

Generally a 'Donk' is someone who doesn't have a lot of experience, but thinks they're 'King Shit of Terd Island'. -Blogger 'BTD'

I was cruising as one of the chip leaders until I donked off all my chips and missed the money. -Unknown

You Should Also Know...

While 'donk' or 'donk bet' technically refer to a specific type of bet, they are more commonly used to refer to any sort of terrible bet. A donk bet can actually be a good move, depending on the situation. Some donk bets are premeditated stop-and-go bets.

Related Terms

Donkey, Fish, Donkament, Calling Station

  1. What Is A Donk Bet In Poker?

The table is full. Lots of players have limped in, and the pot has gotten surprisingly big. Now, it's your turn, and you want to bet. The question is, how much?

What Is Donk Poker

If you're new to the game, you might think to bet the minimum. It makes sense: you don't want to do anything crazy, so why not just tip your toes in the water?

Donk Poker Website

The problem is, a bet that small into a pot that big doesn't make anyone fold. In fact, you might have just gotten everyone more excited and now they have the right pot odds to chase that big hand they weren't really interested in before. You didn't scare anyone out, and you didn't look strong. You made a donk bet.

A donk bet is a small bet made into a big bet that doesn't change the stakes of the hand: instead, it makes everyone think you don't really know what you're doing, and they're all in it to take your chips away from you. You look like a beginner or a lousy player: a donk.

In most cases, the best move is to make a bet proportionate to the size of the pot. If the pot is already really big, you might have to bet quite a lot to do it, but you need to show strength to make other players fold or at least be hesitant.

Donk Poker Term

Now, maybe you're not a beginner; maybe you're at a new game and you've got a big hand in front of you and you want everyone at the table to think you're a donk so they start betting hard into a made hand. In that case, you might just consider making yourself look like a donk, if it means a big payout.

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